September 2022

Print out this month’s PrayerNet: 

Thursday 1st

Pray for Monash University, Clayton’s Christian Union and FOCUS; that non-Christians at their Trivia Night on 1 September would remember the distinctive character of CUers. Pray for deepened curiosity about God and keenness to attend <em>CU</em>’s follow-up event on 22 September: a debate on “Is Christianity True?” with the Philosophy Club. Pray for strong attendance and soft hearts at both events.

AFES FOCUS || Pray for our AFES Diversifying Pathways Task Force to know how best to connect with and engage international students as they look to overcome the obstacle of less presence on campus.

Friday 2nd

Pray for Canberra Christian Society at Australian Catholic University and praise God for the recent ‘Open Day’. Pray for the students hoping to start next year as well as the gospel conversations that occurred across the day.

Praise to God for FOCUS Adelaide at the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia and the new students who have attended FOCUS gatherings the past couple of weeks through the ‘Jesus Week’ events that took place in August. Pray that these new students will continue to come for FOCUS with their questions and curiosity and that God will guide FOCUS in helping them understand the gospel.

  • Thu 1

    Pray for Monash University, Clayton’s Christian Union and FOCUS; that non-Christians at their Trivia Night on 1 September would remember the distinctive character of CUers. Pray for deepened curiosity about God and keenness to attend CU‘s follow-up event on 22 September: a debate on “Is Christianity True?” with the Philosophy Club. Pray for strong attendance and soft hearts at both events.

    AFES FOCUS || Pray for our AFES Diversifying Pathways Task Force to know how best to connect with and engage international students as they look to overcome the obstacle of less presence on campus.

  • Fri 2

    Pray for Canberra Christian Society at Australian Catholic University and praise God for the recent ‘Open Day’. Pray for the students hoping to start next year as well as the gospel conversations that occurred across the day.

    Praise to God for FOCUS Adelaide at the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia and the new students who have attended FOCUS gatherings the past couple of weeks through the ‘Jesus Week’ events that took place in August. Pray that these new students will continue to come for FOCUS with their questions and curiosity and that God will guide FOCUS in helping them understand the gospel.

  • Sat 3

    Praise God for the University of Wollongong Uni Bible Group’s Jesus weeks and for the conversations students had with classmates and during walk up. Pray that God would work in the hearts of those who heard the gospel message!

    Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Campbelltown‘s upcoming mission week as they give away pancakes and ask people what questions they have about Christianity. Pray it goes well and that they will have good gospel discussions with students on campus.

    Pray for Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Christian Union students to have opportunities to talk about their faith; that God would give them wisdom and confidence when sharing the Gospel with those around them.

  • Sun 4

    Pray for Adelaide University Evangelical Students and their Alpha course that began recently following their campus outreach week; that those coming along would encounter God’s incredible grace through His word.

    Pray for RMIT Christian Union, Melbourne‘s upcoming ‘Food for Thought Dinners’ with non-believing classmates: for the invitation to be made so meaningful that discussions about life’s biggest questions will occur.

  • Mon 5

    AFES Evangelism || “you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel.” (Phil 1:7) | Give thanks to God for his grace in saving you. Pray that you would commit yourself to partake in the work of proclaiming the gospel – both in defence and confirmation.

    Pray for Credo at the University of Technology Sydney, as they put on the ‘Mark Drama’ on 5 and 6 September; that many people exploring Christianity will witness the magnificent truth of Jesus when hearing the gospel of Mark. Give praise to God for their great cast of Credo students, committed to memorising and reciting the book of Mark!

  • Tue 6

    Pray for University Fellowship of Christians at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, and their upcoming talk from John Dickson on 6 September; that it would be a great time of answering tricky questions for both believers and non-believers.

    Pray for University of Canberra FOCUS‘s two-week mission: for the outdoor public bible talk, dialog dinner, and dedicated Jesus on campus Walk-up. Pray that people’s ears will be open to hear their message and hearts open to receive it.

  • Wed 7

    Pray for Melbourne University CU‘s ‘Forums’ events on 7 and 21 September – talks on how faith relates to the big questions around life, work, and studies; that God would be working in the hearts of any non-Christians who come to these events.

    Pray for University of Western Australia Christian Union as they follow up those who expressed interest in Christianity through outreach events and stall; that God would be at work through the events to bring more people to a saving knowledge of Him.

  • Thu 8

    Pray for Murdoch Christians United at Murdoch University, WA ‘Digital Games Night’ on 8 September; that MCUers will use this event to relationally build connections with the non-Christians that attend and that they are conscious and intentional about proclaiming and glorifying Christ in their conversations.

    Pray for the current Geelong Christian Union at Deakin University committee as they discern who will be suitable for each committee role next year.

    Pray for Evangelicals on Campus, at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney; that many students would come to NTE to be further trained up and sent with the gospel. Also pray that many of their students would be keen to come to NTE Mission!

  • Fri 9

    Pray for the University of New England, Armidale Christians United committee as they have their rescheduled committee retreat on 9 and 10 September; that it would be a helpful time of handover, a valuable time to make plans and enjoy fellowship, and that it will ultimately be for the glory of God.

    Pray for Charles Darwin University Christians, Darwin, NT; that as studies begin, God would give students wisdom and strength to reach their full potential. Pray for ‘Friday Night Connect’ as they read 1 Samuel; that students would be empowered and encouraged by Jesus’ word.

  • Sat 10

    Pray that in line with the AFES Mission statement we will constantly be in prayerful dependence upon God for all that we do on every campus for his glory.

    Pray for Australian National University, Canberra FOCUS‘ weekly ‘dialogue dinners’; that God would transform hearts and equip students to continue to have gospel-shaped conversations throughout the week.

  • Sun 11

    Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Parramatta; that Mid-semester break from 12-16 September; that it would be a restful and relaxing time for the group. Pray that members would be excited for the second half of the semester.

    Pray for FOCUS (IFES South Sudan): for peace, healing, and reconciliation in South Sudan, that the country’s leaders would embrace diversity, and that God would give them strength as they work for transformation.

  • Mon 12

    AFES Evangelism || “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” (Phil 1:18) | Give thanks for others who are proclaiming Jesus’ triumphant death and resurrection! Pray for five friends you long to share Christ with and that God would give you boldness and an opportunity to speak clearly of Him.

    Pray for Port Mac Christian Students as they hold their AGM on 12 September. Pray that they seek God’s wisdom and guidance when assigning roles for the new committee.

    Pray for Uni of Canberra FOCUS as they officially start their T3 Bible Study for the semester; that it will be a time of growth for their students and equip them with skills of sharing the gospel on campus.

  • Tue 13

    Pray for RMIT CU and their main meeting times every Tuesday night during the semester; that students would continue to be encouraged and challenged by God’s Word to trust and live for Him.

    Pray for Uni Bible Study at Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga as they run fortnightly ‘Grab & Go Brekkies’ on campus this month; that the brief conversations they have with students will be “full of grace” and “seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6) so that Christ may be glorified.

    Praise God for Christian Union, Macquarie University, Sydney, and the many people reached on campus through campus conversations. Thank God that a few of these people who were reached joined CU‘s Public Meetings and were able to hear the gospel clearly explained.

  • Wed 14

    Pray for the Graduate Christian Union at the University of Melbourne‘s executive committee for their recent changeover; that each of the new members may wholly rely on God’s wisdom and strength to equip them throughout their term of service.

    Pray for CU UWA Perth as they begin to plan for next year; that the student and staff leadership would plan wisely and with faith in God to accomplish His will.

  • Thu 15

    Pray for GCU Deakin Uni Geelong, as they hold their AGM on 15 September: for proceedings on the night and for those who are newly elected as committee members.

    AFES FOCUS || Thank God for our recent webinar to help Campus Staff Team Leaders (CSTL) know how to use the FOCUS Training Curriculum to start or develop FOCUS ministries on their campuses. Pray for CSTL and others to implement the curriculum well.

  • Fri 16

    Pray for members of CCS ACU Canberra; that God would stir their hearts as the group looks for new executive members. Pray that God would be raising up new leaders who are passionate for Him and seeing the Gospel preached at ACU.

    Pray for the Sydney University Evangelical Union and their heightened two weeks of evangelism on campus called ‘Find Hope Again’; that through evangelistic talks and gospel opportunities created by students many come to Jesus.

  • Sat 17

    Pray for James Cook University, Townsville Christian Students and their recent ‘Challenge Weeks’: for the conversations had, that many new students may come to their events, and ultimately to Christ.

    Pray for Australian Catholic University, Melbourne CU students to have opportunities to talk about their faith; that God would give them wisdom and confidence when sharing the Gospel with those around them.

  • Sun 18

    Pray for Uni Fellowship Hobart, giving thanks for the continued blessing that fellowship groups are, as places of prayer, reading Gods word and strengthening relationships. Pray that God would continue to work through them.

    Pray that in line with AFES’ second value, we will constantly shape all our methods, our ministries, and our mission by the Scriptures.

  • Mon 19

    AFES Evangelism || “Only let your manner of life be worth of the gospel of Christ.” (Phil 1:27) | Sadly, our lives don’t always reflect the glorious truth they proclaim. Repent and ask for God’s forgiveness. Pray for the Spirit’s help to live lives worthy of the gospel. Pray that they would be bold to speak of the difference Christ makes in their lives.

    Praise God for Melbourne Uni CU‘s new leadership teams; that they would continue to focus on serving God and His people as they settle into their new roles.

  • Tue 20

    Pray for MCU Murdoch Uni WA‘s ‘Teaching Day’ on 20 September; that God will guide the staff workers as they run the event and that the students will leave with a deeper understanding and appreciation of Spiritual Gifts.

    Pray for CBM WSU Campbelltown, and the students that invited their non-Christian friends to a recent outreach event; that they will have more opportunities to connect and share the gospel with non-Christians.

  • Wed 21

    Pray for Uni Bible Group UOW; that students would continue to rely on God for boldness in sharing their faith with unbelievers and that as they do this, their own trust and love for God would be strengthened.

    Pray for EU Sydney Uni; that God’s Spirit would be at work on campus; that many students and staff would be convicted of their need for God’s grace and His wonderful readiness to provide it in Christ.

  • Thu 22

    Pray for Adelaide Uni ES students following their campus outreach week. Praise God for great engagement throughout the week and pray that those who came to events would be keen to learn more about Jesus.

    Pray for OSCER (IFES Romania) and the long-term establishment of a student group in Cluj with the development of the next generation of student leaders. Pray that this would have a long-lasting strategic impact for the kingdom.

    Pray for CBM WSU Parramatta as they hold an outreach week in September: for many fruitful conversations.

  • Fri 23

    Praise God for Port Mac CS as they have grown a new eagerness to share the gospel and have a higher importance on personal evangelism. Pray that this continues for God’s glory.

    Pray for FOCUS Adelaide and their day conference on 24 September: for God’s hand and wisdom over this event and the organisers as they prepare for it.

  • Sat 24

    AFES Apprenticeships || Pray that God will give wisdom, clarity and courage to the many grads considering beginning a Ministry Apprenticeship in 2023.

    Pray for Credo UTS, and the faculty missions that occur throughout this semester; that many would come to hear and know Christ, through the fun activities and thought-provoking questions explored. Praise God for the three faculties that have already done missions on campus at UTS: topics including Ethics, Morality and even “Text a Toastie”!

  • Sun 25

    Pray for UBS CSU Albury-Wodonga as they begin their new study series on ‘Identity’ this month: for wisdom as the committee members prepare the studies and that UBS members will grow in their faith as a result of their time in God’s Word.

    Pray that AFES will double our numbers offering themselves for Missionary Service by 2025.

    Pray for growth of Melbourne Uni GCU in the aspiration of establishing new faculty groups (GCU Law, Dentistry, etc.) that God may raise new leaders, as well as strengthen any current leaders for this task.

  • Mon 26

    AFES Evangelism || “God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:9-11) | Knowing this reality, pray for an opportunity to share with one friend this week about the Lordship of Jesus.

    Pray for ANU FOCUS‘ AGM on 26 September, particularly as students vote in next year’s executive committee; that God would be raising up humble, servant-hearted leaders who love Jesus and will lead the group faithfully.

  • Tue 27

    Pray for CU UNE Armidale‘s relationship with the university as the university leadership undergoes a time of stress and change: for God’s blessing on the new leadership that the CU would honour God in their witness on campus and in their relationship with the uni.

    Pray for GBEEC (IFES Cameroon) and the 3,000 football supporters who heard the gospel message proclaimed before the Africa Cup of Nations. Pray that many would accept Jesus as their personal Saviour, and that the 500 people who made a profession of faith would be well looked after by the team.

  • Wed 28

    Pray that each student at Monash Clayton CU would deepen their friendships with non-Christians in their classes. Pray that God would work powerfully through relational evangelism, and grant wisdom as CUers navigate friendships and tricky conversations. Pray that non-Christians would see Jesus through their Christian friends.

    Pray for CU Macquarie Uni as they work with the university regarding affiliation; that the re-affiliation process at the end of the year would go smoothly.

    Pray for CDU Christians NT in the lead up to the ‘Mark Drama’; that it would be a positive and engaging experience that will inspire students not only as a team but in personal understanding of Mark’s Gospel.

  • Thu 29

    AFES Apprenticeships || Pray that God would help the 2nd year Ministry Apprentices finish their last semester on campus well, making the most of the open doors He has given them, and learning a lot in the process.

    Pray for ACU CU Melbourne bible studies; that they would be encouraging and that those who attend would grow in relationship with each other and God as they open His word together.

  • Fri 30

    Pray for EOC ACU North Sydney; that evangelism culture would continue past their heightened evangelism week. Pray that their members may continue to seek gospel conversations with peers for the rest of semester.

    Pray for CS JCU Townsville and their new International Bible Study, going through a Bible overview; that many more international students will make a commitment to come, and that God’s Word may continue to be spread to people on campus.