
July PrayerNet

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Mon 1

Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Penrith’s upcoming MYC from 1-5 July. Pray that their members would be encouraged as they explore God’s word among many other Christians.

Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Bankstown/Liverpool‘s Mid-Year Conference from 1-5 July, that students would be encouraged, equipped and challenged.

Tue 2

Pray for Bathurst Christian Students at Charles Sturt University’s Mid-Year Conference from 29 June to 3 July. Pray that students who attend will take what they have learned about the Holy Spirit and apply it to their lives.

Pray for Evangelicals on Campus, at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney’s upcoming Mid-Year Conference on the Holy Spirit. Pray that it will be a fruitful and challenging time for ACU students that they will be grown in their conviction of their faith to live for Jesus in all of their lives.

Wed 3

AFES FOCUS || Pray for FOCUS staff to put into practice what they have learnt from FOCUS Staff Conference.

Pray for Campus Bible Study at University of NSW and their recent interfaith event on 26 June with the Muslim Student Association on the topic of prayer. Thank God that they had this opportunity for open dialogue, and pray that God will be at work in peoples’ hearts so they come to know and love Christ.

Thu 4

Pray for Evangelical Students at the University of South Australia’s MYC; that all attendees, especially first-timers, experience the profound love of Christ, form genuine and lasting friendships with fellow students, feel welcomed and included, and are deeply touched and transformed by the conference, leading to a stronger and more committed relationship with Christ.

Pray for ES UniSA Adelaide’s MYC; that there would be smooth logistics and efficient backend operations throughout the conference. Pray that all technical, administrative, and organisational aspects run seamlessly, enabling a distraction-free and impactful experience for all attendees and organisers.

Fri 5

AFES Evangelism || “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved… The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”  John 10:9-11 | Pray that we wont be like thieves but will point people to Jesus who laid down his life for us.

Sat 6

Pray for Newcastle Christian Students at the University of Newcastle‘s mid-year camp occurring during the second week of July. Pray for those in teaching roles to teach in faith and truth, also for encouragements conversations and stories from being in fellowship together.

Sun 7

Pray that University of Western Australia Christian Union students attending Mid-Year Conference from 8-12 July would learn lots about the bible and the topic of guidance.

Pray for FOCUS Adelaide at the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia students who are planning to go to Mid Year Conference (MYC). Pray that God can give them wisdom to learn more through MYC and grow in Christ.

Mon 8

Pray for Australian National University, Canberra FOCUS as they meet with students from around Canberra for ‘Focal Point’ from 8-12 July. Pray that they will grow in their love for God and His word, as they spend a week looking at the Cross of Christ.

Pray for Murdoch Christians United at Murdoch University, WA’s Mid-Year Conference from 8-12 July. Pray the students attending would be trained in “Navigating Life Under God” as they attend.

Tue 9

Pray for University Fellowship of Christians at the University of Tasmania, Launceston, that connections with new students will be built and the existing connections be strengthened through social events, training sessions and regular Bible studies.

Wed 10

AFES Apprenticeships || Pray for Apprentices as they serve at many MYCs across in the country in July, that God would enable them to teach God’s truth with clarity and love.

Rejoice with CS JCU Townsville that a new sister has turned to Christ after reading Uncover John. Pray that she will be well established in the faith and keep growing as she trusts Jesus.

Thu 11

Pray for CCS ACU Canberra’s Mid-Year Conference ‘Focal Point’. Pray that God will bring many students

Pray that in line with the AFES Mission statement we will together present students on our campuses mature in Jesus (by God’s strength).

Fri 12

Pray for University of New England, Armidale Christians United students that they might take what they have learned during MYC and think deeply about the applications for their lives, with Jesus as their risen Lord. Pray that students begin the next trimester encouraged and ready to represent Jesus.

Pray for GBU (IFES Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)) and give thanks for Sarah, a master’s student working on a project that combines psychosocial and theological approaches to mental health regarding the decades of conflict and violence in DRC. Pray for peace in the DRC and for GBU ministering in this difficult context. Pray that God will provide for three full-time staff so that its 8,000+ GBU students and pupils can be better supported.

Sat 13

Pray for Bundoora Christian Union at La Trobe University, Bundoora’s ‘Summit’ from 15-19 July. Pray that many students would attend and that it would be an opportunity to deepen the faith of those who attend.

Pray for Melbourne University Christian Union as they hold there mid year conference, ‘Summit’, from 15-19 July. Pray that students who attend will grow in knowledge of the Lord and be encouraged to share what they learn with others.

Sun 14

Prayer for Queensland University of Technology Christians‘s Mid Year Conference from 15-19 July. Pray that as they look at the theme of God Made Known, students would come away encouraged and prepared to make God known on campus.

Mon 15

Pray in light of International O-Week at ANU FOCUS from 15-19 July; that international students will feel the love of Jesus as students welcome them, and that there will be many who connect into the FOCUS International group and come to meet Jesus!

Pray for James Cook University, Townsville Christian Students balancing semesters, trimesters and placements, that they would connect and be able to encourage one another.

Tue 16

Pray for Uni Fellowship Launceston’s upcoming Meet Jesus event on 16 August. Pray that the name of Jesus and the Gospel would be proclaimed boldly, and that local student members will benefit from the event and be willing to assist.

Pray that in line with AFES’ first value, by His grace, God will transform lives on our campuses into the likeness of Jesus.

Wed 17

Pray for the start of Griffith Christian Students at Griffith University, Brisbane’s ‘Meet Jesus’ series. Pray that the campuses may hear the gospel message and respond to Jesus, and that student leaders and staff may be well equipped and readied for sharing that message.

Pray for GCS Griffith Uni Brisbane’s ‘Meet Jesus’ event with John Dickson on 20 July. Pray that students would be bold in inviting friends, and that God would soften the hearts of those who do come along.

Thu 18

AFES Evangelism || “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though he dies. Do you believe this?’ Martha said to him, ‘Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.’” John 11:25-27 | Pray that we’ll have courage to ask people what they believe and explain who Jesus is.

Pray for Credo at the University of Technology Sydney’s mission teams as they serve throughout July. Pray that they would represent Christ well. Pray that God would use this to change the hearts of the primary-schoolers, year twelves and the homeless they serve.

Fri 19

Pray for Monash University, Caulfield’s Christian Union’s O-Week and Week 1 stalls, that they would provide fruitful opportunities to grow and proclaim Christ on campus. Pray that students would continue to grow in numbers and spiritual maturity through Christ.

Pray for CBM WSU Penrith’s Week 1 stall. Pray that God would bring many new members along and that current members would gain valuable training in talking with strangers.

Sat 20

Give thanks for Canberra Christian Society at Australian Catholic University, Canberra; that they had a great Semester 1. Pray that God will keep them all strong in Jesus through the mid-year break.

Pray that CU UWA Perth students would continue in growing in their faith over the holidays, and come back to university filled with a spirit for evangelism and edification.

Sun 21

AFES Evangelism || “Caiaphas said, “…it’s better that one man dies for many, than many people perish” …being high priest he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, and also gather the children of God who are scattered abroad.” John 11:49-52 | Praise God that Jesus died so that many could live. Pray he’d be gathering his children from across the nations.

Pray for EOC ACU North Sydney’s upcoming O-Week. Pray for boldness and courage as students go out to proclaim their faith and for God to soften the hearts of those they evangelise to. Pray that they will meet many new students particularly international students and that they would love them and help them to meet Jesus.

Mon 22

Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Campbelltown; that their evangelistic stalls will create more followers of Christ when classes resume on the 22nd of July.

Pray for MCU Murdoch Uni WA as they engage with students on campus during Orientation week from 22 July. Pray that workers would be raised up to share the gospel.

Tue 23

Pray for Christian Union, Macquarie University, Sydney as they prepare to elect a new student management committee. Pray for wisdom, humility and clarity in decision making.

Wed 24

AFES Evangelism || “Whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:25 | Pray that we’ll be willing to loose our lives for the sake of Christ’s gospel and his reputation.

Pray for FES (IFES Malaysia); that students will wholeheartedly engage with the ‘Ring it, live it’ vision to be officially launched at August’s national conference, encouraging students to be sharpened in ministry so they can better serve the students of this generation. Pray that their faith will ring out across campuses as they respond to these calls.

Thu 25

Pray for Bundoora CU La Trobe’s committee as they explore how to engage new students in Semester 2.

Pray for FOCUS Adelaide students who are seeking to share gospel with their non- Christian friends. Pray that God can help them to gain more strength through Him and give them courage to share Jesus.

Fri 26

AFES FOCUS || Pray for FOCUS groups to welcome any mid-year intakes of international students, and care well for any international students joining their mid-year conferences.

Sat 27

Pray that God would raise up godly individuals to take on leadership roles in Monash Caulfield CU, as several students and committee members are leaving at the end of the second semester. Praise God that they have seen the CU grow from less than 10 people to almost 20 in one semester.

Sun 28

Pray for Credo UTS as they prepare for their August Mission (Mark Drama & evangelistic talks). Pray for the actors as they learn Mark’s gospel, for Glen Scrivener as he prepares his talks, and for committee & team leaders as they oversee this. Pray that God would enable this to go smoothly, to His glory.

Pray that AFES will double our reach in calling people to turn back to Jesus in repentance and faith by 2025.

Mon 29

AFES Evangelism || “The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become children of light.” John 12:36 | Pray that we’ll shine the light of Jesus by educating many from the Scriptures, so that many would join Christ’s family.

Tue 30

AFES Apprenticeships || Ask God to give insight and clarity to 2nd year Apprentices as they evaluate the ministry God has suited them for and make decisions about next year.

Wed 31

Pray for Newcastle CS‘s ‘Mission Month’ coming up in August. Pray for organisation of outreach events and partnership with local churches. Pray for courage and perseverance during outreach and that students of Newcastle would to turn their hearts to Christ.